Division Street launch on YourTV on Jan 30

What is causing homelessness in Kingston? Why are we facing a drug poisoning crisis? What does it mean to be food insecure? How are people responding to unaffordable rents? Division Street is a new YourTV series that probes these questions. But it does so in a different way.

Division Street’s examination of Kingston’s frayed social fabric premieres Monday January 30 at 8pm and continues to early April. It is co-hosted by local Journalist Jamie Swift and Sayyida Jaffer of the Providence Centre.

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Housing for All Webinar – Dec 8, 2022

Do you believe housing is a human right? Would you like to work towards better housing conditions for all? Do you want to get involved with like-minded individuals? If you answered yes to the previous questions, register for the Housing For All Webinar here: https://housingforallwebinar.eventbrite.ca

Attendees will hear from local groups that are working on solutions and interventions for the local affordable housing crisis.  In the first part of the webinar we will hear from several groups about their innovative projects related to policy advocacy, tenant organizing,  unhoused solidarity, and alternative housing development. In the second part, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the projects and how to get involved. The webinar will end with a conversation on the potential for a housing coalition in Kingston. 

Participating groups include: Just Recovery Kingston, Luke’s Place Kingston, Mutual Aid Katarokwi Kingston’s Unhoused Solidarity Group, Our Livable Solutions – Sleeping Cabins Project, PSAC 901 Affordable Housing Working Group, Social Planning Council’s Displacement Project, and the Support Not Stigma Campaign.

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YGK Housing Newsletter!

The Providence Centre has launched a weekly newsletter in Kingston that is all about housing called YGK Housing News. The newsletter includes events, analysis, reports and other news focused on helping us understand and take action on the affordable housing crisis in Kingston and beyond. To subscribe, email sayyida.jaffer (at) chco.ca and write “subscribe” in the subject of the email.

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Raise the Rates Interfaith Fast November 14 – 18, 2022

For many years, ISARC (Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition) has monitored the level of social assistance support provided to vulnerable Ontarians who are unemployed, underemployed or living with disabilities.

A single adult on OW (Ontario Works) has a monthly income of $733, which amounts to only 56% of the deep poverty threshold.

ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Programs), designed for those who have barriers to employment, provides only a slightly higher income level. In June 2022, the current Ontario Government committed to raising ODSP rates by 5%.

The “social safety net,” as it is referred to, is supposed to provide the means by which someone can provide basic food and shelter for themselves and their family and live as a member of the community. Yet, it is estimated that more than 900,000 Ontarians seek to survive on social assistance incomes that leave them in deep poverty. Many of them are children.

We invite you to join us for our Raise The Rates Interfaith Fast – an intentional time of prayer and fasting between Monday, November 14 and Friday, November 18. Justice, equity, and compassion are at the heart of many faiths, and it’s important for us as an interfaith community to support our most vulnerable neighbours.

This event will lead into our annual Religious Leader’s Forum on Wednesday, November 23, with a focus on the importance of raising social assistance rates for those who survive by relying on these incomes.



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Chains of Gold: Extraction, Repression, and Solidarity in Canada and Latin America

As authoritarian rulers continue to attack liberty and justice around the world, we must reach out in solidarity and look inward in reflection.

Recent anti-democratic regimes in Honduras and El Salvador connect to Canadian mining companies and the Canadian state. Resource extraction often goes hand in hand with repression.

The Providence Centre for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation and Development and Peace-Caritas Canada invite you to join Joan Kuyek, author of Unearthing Justice: How to Protect Your Community from the Mining Industry and Donald Hernandez of Centro Hondureño de Promoción para el Desarrollo Comunitario-CHEPRODEC, for a panel discussion explaining the situation and offering opportunities for action in solidarity with land defenders and those targeted by authoritarian regimes in Latin America.

The event takes place September 22nd, 6:30-8 PM, at the Central Branch of the Kingston-Frontenac Public Library (2nd floor). Admission is free; there will be an opportunity to make a donation. You may also attend online – to register for the Zoom email Kiegan Irish: kirish@devp.org

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