Dignity of all human persons
The dignity of every person, regardless of income, ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, age, or ability, is the foundation of Catholic Social Teaching.
Our work is guided by the principle that human beings all have equal human rights and should be recognized in all their diversity.
Preferential option of the poor
Growing economic inequality and lack of affordable housing make it impossible for everyone to live a dignified life.
Our office advocates for policies and programs that aim to address these injustices in our community, province, and country.
Peace Promotion
Peace is a verb. It is an action-oriented concept. Peace is more than the absence of war; it builds harmony and mutual respect between nations and peoples.
Our office fosters positive relationships amongst faith and spiritual groups. We organize and support activities, events, and policies that aim to educate and reduce the rising tide of racism, xenophobia and acts of hate.
Care of our Common Home
The earth and all life on it are part of God’s creation. We are called to respect this gift. We are responsible for taking care of the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and resources the earth gives us.
In his encyclical, Laudato Si’: On the Care for our Common Home, Pope Francis calls our attention to the growing ecological and social imbalance that results in destructive impacts felt to the greatest extent by those who are most vulnerable.
Our office works to promote policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. We support and advocate for policies that ensure those who bear the most responsibility for the crisis do the most to address it, and that everyone has the means to participate in solutions.
The Common Good
We recognize that no person lives in isolation; we live with others and for others. By virtue of this reality we must work for the Common Good. Our office supports Pope Francis as he stresses the “urgent need for politics and economics to enter into a frank dialogue in the service of life.”
The Common Good is the lens by which we distinguish policies that benefit the few and the many.
Solidarity and subsidiarity
Subsidiarity requires that decisions are made by the people closest and most affected by the issues and concerns of the community.
This is why we stand with marginalized and vulnerable individuals and communities. Solidarity means that we listen, learn, show up, intervene, speak up, welcome discomfort, learn from our mistakes, and stay engaged.
We recognize that all people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. We fully support the adage “Nothing about us without us.”